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This site provides feeds for Homebrew taps to discover recently added formulae and casks.

The supported taps are listed below, you may add them to the Atom feed reader of your choice to get regular updates when new formulae and casks are added.

🍺 Supported Taps 🍺
The following taps are monitored and updated:
The "new" feed will announce brews as they are added to the tap, while "random" will publish a few brews every day.
🧐 About

Hi, I'm Andrew. I'm an avid CLI user and software engineer. I enjoy learning about new tools to improve my craft. But, I didn't want another inbox to monitor. Email, Slack, SMS, and RSS are enough, thank you 🫠. That's why I built this micro site. Just a few Atom feeds of new formulae as they are added to homebrew. No need to watch more repos or add more notifications.

The site is open source, and the code is kinda gross, but if you'd like me to add another tap to monitor, or otherwise provide feedback, please feel free to head over to the repo on GitHub and let me know.

If you find this site useful, please share it with your friends, or say hello on social media (X/Twitter, Mastodon, or Email).